Mads Sæløen

Mads Sæløen

Senior Graphic & Motion Designer,

looking for the extra in the ordinary.

Senior Graphic & Motion Designer,

looking for the extra in the ordinary.

Senior Graphic & Motion Designer, looking for the extra in the ordinary.

If you're looking for a well-rounded creative that doesn't settle for the status quo, let's jam.

If you're looking for a well-rounded creative that doesn't settle for the status quo, let's jam.

If you're looking for a well-rounded creative that doesn't settle

for the status quo, let's jam.

I would love to help you with

concept development

concept development



art direction

art direction

digital ads

digital ads

logo animation

logo animation

explainer videos

explainer videos

graphic design

graphic design

content production

content production

podcast covers

podcast covers

strategic communication

strategic communication

cat herding

cat herding

Bite-Size Work Samples

Featured Projects


Personal Project

Personal Project




Looking for a job can be both exciting and thrilling, but also a very demotivating process. As I was applying for jobs back in 2018, the amount of rejected applications that had accumulated in my inbox finally dawned on me. I was, to put it mildly, not happy about it.

Looking for a job can be both exciting and thrilling, but also a very demotivating process. As I was applying for jobs back in 2018, the amount of rejected applications that had accumulated in my inbox finally dawned on me. I was, to put it mildly, not happy about it.



Aiming to flip the script on what it would mean to get turned down,
I decided to use the content of the emails as fodder for a series of posters. Instead of being discouraged from keeping going, I would now have the opportunity to sharpen my creativity and play around with shape, colour and form.

Aiming to flip the script on what it would mean to get turned down,
I decided to use the content of the emails as fodder for a series of posters. Instead of being discouraged from keeping going, I would now have the opportunity to sharpen my creativity and play around with shape, colour and form.

Aiming to flip the script on what it would mean to get turned down, I decided to use the content of the emails as fodder for a series of posters. Instead of being discouraged from keeping going, I would now have the opportunity to sharpen my creativity and play around with shape, colour and form.



design & art direction

design & art direction

poster design

poster design

Kjøp her, hjelp der.

Norsk Misjonsselskap

Norsk Misjonsselskap


Done at Fabel Media

Done at Fabel Media



With 52 stores nationwide, over 2000 volunteers and 25 years in business, NMS Gjenbruk is Norway's largest chain of thrift stores.

To increase awareness of the humanitarian work being made possible from the profits from the stores, The Norwegian Mission Society approached us to create a compelling and impactful marketing campaign. Our task was to showcase the transformative impact of every purchase made at NMS Gjenbruk.

With 52 stores nationwide, over 2000 volunteers and 25 years in business, NMS Gjenbruk is Norway's largest chain of thrift stores.

To increase awareness of the humanitarian work being made possible from the profits from the stores, The Norwegian Mission Society approached us to create a compelling and impactful marketing campaign. Our task was to showcase the transformative impact of every purchase made at NMS Gjenbruk.



The campaign "Buy here, help there" draws a metaphorical and visual equals sign between common objects in the stores and what it could potentially mean for someone in a developing country.

The simple, yet precise message needed to be echoed in the visual language. Carefully selected objects shot in a studio setting lay the groundwork for a series of posters that challenge the typical aesthetic and message of a "informative thrift-store flyer" in a fun, engaging way.

The campaign "Buy here, help there" draws a metaphorical and visual equals sign between common objects in the stores and what it could potentially mean for someone in a developing country.

The simple, yet precise message needed to be echoed in the visual language. Carefully selected objects shot in a studio setting lay the groundwork for a series of posters that challenge the typical aesthetic and message of a "informative thrift-store flyer" in a fun, engaging way.



art direction

art direction

Graphic design

Graphic design

Let's Get Personal

Hei, I'm Mads. After discovering Photoshop back in the mid 2000s,
I never really looked back.

That software not only ignited my passion for design, it also taught me something very fundamental about myself: that I’m a deeply curious problem solver.

15+ years later I’m a software agnostic who just can't stop asking questions. Problems first, software and solutions later. These days I get a kick out of helping brands and companies create meaningful and engaging content for all platforms. Having worked in both startups and in-house, I’m comfortable with tight deadlines and love collaborating.

Currently available for new opportunities.
I can't wait to see what we'll make together.

Hei, I'm Mads. After discovering Photoshop back in the mid 2000s,
I never really looked back.

That software not only ignited my passion for design, it also taught me something very fundamental about myself: that I’m a deeply curious problem solver.

15+ years later I’m a software agnostic who just can't stop asking questions. Problems first, software and solutions later. These days I get a kick out of helping brands and companies create meaningful and engaging content for all platforms. Having worked in both startups and in-house, I’m comfortable with tight deadlines and love collaborating.

Currently available for new opportunities. I can't wait to see what we'll make together.

Hei, I'm Mads. After discovering Photoshop back in the mid 2000s, I never really looked back.

That software not only ignited my passion for design, it also taught me something very fundamental about myself: that I’m a deeply curious problem solver.

15+ years later I’m a software agnostic who just can't stop asking questions. Problems first, software and solutions later. These days I get a kick out of helping brands and companies create meaningful and engaging content for all platforms. Having worked in both startups and in-house, I’m comfortable with tight deadlines and love collaborating.

Currently available for new opportunities.
I can't wait to see what we'll make together.